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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2010, Vol. 04 ›› Issue (02) : 193 -199. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0807.2010.02.014


颜蕴文1, 张敬杰1, 徐晓军1, 王劲1, 裴静1, 任敏1, 许骏1, 王本忠1,()   
  1. 1.230022 合肥,安徽医科大学第一附院乳腺外科
  • 收稿日期:2010-02-17 出版日期:2010-04-01
  • 通信作者: 王本忠

Significance of detecting CK19 and hMAM in peripheral blood of breast cancer patients

Yun-wen YAN1, Jing-jie ZHANG1, Xiao-jun XU1, Jin WANG1, Jing PEI1, Ming REN1, Jun XU1, Ben-zhong WANG,1()   

  1. 1.Department of Breast Surgery,First Affiliated Hospital,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230022,China
  • Received:2010-02-17 Published:2010-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Ben-zhong WANG

颜蕴文, 张敬杰, 徐晓军, 王劲, 裴静, 任敏, 许骏, 王本忠. 联合检测乳腺癌患者外周血中细胞角蛋白19及人乳腺球蛋白mRNA的意义[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2010, 04(02): 193-199.

Yun-wen YAN, Jing-jie ZHANG, Xiao-jun XU, Jin WANG, Jing PEI, Ming REN, Jun XU, Ben-zhong WANG. Significance of detecting CK19 and hMAM in peripheral blood of breast cancer patients[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2010, 04(02): 193-199.


通过检测分析乳腺癌患者外周血细胞角蛋白19(cytokeratin19,CK19)及人乳腺球蛋白(hu man ma mmaglobin,h MA M)mRNA 表达,探讨其作为判断乳腺癌的相关指标。


应用荧光定量PCR(Fluorescence Quantification-Pol y merase Chain Reaction,FQ-PCR)技术对40例乳腺癌患者及10名健康志愿者外周血中CK19及h MA M mRNA 的表达进行测定。运用χ2 检验和Fisher确切概率法对各组间差别进行统计学分析;乳腺癌患者CK19 和h MA M 表达相关性分析采用Kappa检验。


乳腺癌患者中CK19 和h MA M 阳性率分别为52.5%(21/40)和55%(22/40),均显著高于正常对照组(CK19 阳性为1/10,h MA M 均为阴性)(P <0.050)。乳腺癌患者CK19 和h MAM 阳性表达具有相关性(Kappa=0.849,P=0.000)。CK19阳性表达与肿瘤大小、淋巴结转移和PR 有密切关系(P<0.050),与ER、HER-2无关;h MA M 阳性表达与肿瘤大小、淋巴结转移、ER、HER-2 有关(P<0.050),与PR 无关。


联合检测乳腺肿瘤患者外周血中CK19及h MA M 应用于临床动态监测,可起到帮助临床诊断的作用。


To detect and anal yze t he expression of cytokeratin-19(CK19)and hu man mammaglobin (h MA M)mRNA in peripheral blood of breast cancer patients to explore t heir clinical significance.


Fl uorescence quantification-poly merase chain reaction(FQ-PCR)was used to detect the expressions of CK19 and h MA M mRNA in peripheral blood of 40 breast cancer patients and 10 healthy volunteers.Chi-square test and Fisher test were used for co mparison bet ween gr oups,and Kappa test was applied to analyze t he correlation bet ween CK19 and h MAM expressions.


The positive expression rates of CK10 and h MA M in breast cancer patients were 52.5% (21/40)and 55% (22/40),respectively,significantly higher than those of the healthy controls(P <0.050).There was a correlation bet ween CK19 and h MA M expressions in t he breast cancer patients(Kappa=0.849,P=0.000).The positive expression of CK19 was correlated wit h tumor size,ly mph node metastasis and progesterone receptor(PR)(P<0.050),not correlated with estrogen receptor(ER)and hu man epider mal growth factor receptor2(HER-2).The positive expression of h MAM was correlated with tumor size,ly mph node metastasis,ER and HER-2(P<0.050),but was not correlated with PR.


Detecting CK19 and h MAM mRNAin peripheral blood of breast cancer patients can be used in clinical dynamic monitoring,and is helpf ul in clinical diagnosis.

表1 两组外周血中CK19、h MA M 阳性表达状况
表2 乳腺癌患者CK19和h MAM表达的相关性 (例)
表3 乳腺癌外周血CK19、h MAM 表达与病理特征的关系
图1 40例患者和10例正常对照组β-actin扩增曲线
图2 CK19扩增曲线
图3 乳腺球蛋白扩增曲线
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