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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2007, Vol. 01 ›› Issue (03) : 40 -43. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0807.2007.03.013


王曦1,2, 杨名添1,2,(), 谢泽明1,2, 唐军1,2, 周中梅1,3, 曾益新1,4, 朱振宇5   
  1. 1.510060 广州,华南肿瘤学国家重点实验室
    2.510060 广州,中山大学肿瘤防治中心胸科
    3.510060 广州,中山大学肿瘤防治中心内科
    4.510060 广州,中山大学肿瘤防治中心实验研究部
    5.510089 广州,中山大学医学部生化教研室
  • 收稿日期:2007-02-15 出版日期:2007-06-01
  • 通信作者: 杨名添
  • 基金资助:

Proteome analysis for the identification of tumor-associated biomarkers to predict breast cancer prognosis

Xi WANG1, Ming-tian YANG,1(), Ze-ming XIE1, Jun TANG1, Zhong-mei ZHOU1, Yi-xin ZENG1, Zhen-yu ZHU1   

  1. 1.State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China,Guangzhou 510060,China
  • Received:2007-02-15 Published:2007-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Ming-tian YANG

王曦, 杨名添, 谢泽明, 唐军, 周中梅, 曾益新, 朱振宇. 乳腺癌血清蛋白质芯片检测在预测乳腺癌预后中的应用[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2007, 01(03): 40-43.

Xi WANG, Ming-tian YANG, Ze-ming XIE, Jun TANG, Zhong-mei ZHOU, Yi-xin ZENG, Zhen-yu ZHU. Proteome analysis for the identification of tumor-associated biomarkers to predict breast cancer prognosis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2007, 01(03): 40-43.




采用美国Ciphergen公司生产的蛋白质芯片阅读机,选择IMAC-3和WCX-2两种芯片,对64例乳腺癌患者血清进行研究。64例乳腺癌患者全部随访5年,死亡13例。采用Ciphergen proteinchip3.0软件分析乳腺癌患者血清的蛋白质谱。将13例死亡患者的蛋白质图谱与其余患者的进行比对,差异比较采用t检验,P﹤0.05为有统计学意义。






To find new biomarkers that can estimate the prognosis of breast cancer patients,for the patients who have the similar staging and accept same treatment get different treatment results.


Protein expression differences of serum samples of 64 breast cancer patients were analyzed with IMAC-3 and WCX-2 Ciphergen Protein Chip Arrays.Five-year follow-up of all the 64 breast cancer patients showed 13 patients died.The protein atlas of the 13 dead patients was compared with that of the other patients.


On WCX-2 chip,a panel of two proteins(Mr9405 and Mr6424)was selected based on their collective contribution to the optimal separation between the dead patients and alive patients after 5-year follow-up.On Mr9405 site survived breast cancer patients had low expression,on Mr6424 site survived breast cancer patients had high expression,with sensitivity of 76.9%-84.6%and specificity of 76.4%-80.3%.On IMAC-3 chip,another two proteins(Mr4643 and Mr5910)had the ability to distinguish between the dead patients and alive patients after 5-year follow-up.Survived breast cancer patients had high expression,with sensitivity of 61.5%~76.9%and specificity of 68.6%~74.5%.


Protein expression in dead patients after 5-year follow-up is different from that of alive patients after 5-year follow-up,and those proteins with different expressions can be used as new biomarkers to predict breast cancer prognosis.

表1 蛋白芯片上生存乳腺癌患者蛋白峰表达的敏感性和特异性
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