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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2011, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (04) : 426 -433. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0807.2011.04.006


隋金珂1, 王玥2, 施俊义(), 谢轶群3, 李曦洲1   
  1. 1.200433 上海,第二军医大学附属长海医院普外科
    2.030001 太原,解放军264 医院普外科
    3.200433 上海,上海市黄浦区中心医院乳腺外科
  • 收稿日期:2010-03-22 出版日期:2011-08-01
  • 通信作者: 施俊义

Expression of osteopontin in invasive breast carcinoma and its relationship with microvessel density

  1. 1.General Surgery Department, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China
  • Received:2010-03-22 Published:2011-08-01

隋金珂, 王玥, 施俊义, 谢轶群, 李曦洲. 骨桥蛋白在浸润性乳腺癌组织中的表达及其与微血管密度的关系[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2011, 05(04): 426-433.




采用免疫组织化学Envision 法检测89 例乳腺浸润性导管癌组织OPN 和CD34 的表达情况,分析其表达与病理特征的关系。 定性资料分析采用χ2 检验,定量资料分析采用t 检验。


在89 例乳腺浸润性导管癌中,OPN 阳性表达率为57.30%(51/89)。 组织学分级Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级浸润性导管癌OPN 阳性表达率分别为27.27%(6/22)、66. 67%(24/36)、67. 74%(21/31),三者间差异有统计学意义(χ2 =10.780,P=0.005);有、无淋巴结转移者OPN 阳性表达率分别为74. 47%(35/47)和38.10%(16/42),伴有淋巴结转移者OPN 阳性表达率明显高于不伴转移者(χ2 =11.993,P=0.001)。 乳腺癌组织OPN 表达阴性、阳性组的肿瘤微血管密度(MVD)分别为(68.42±23.45)条/每高倍视野和(94.96±31.03)条/每高倍视野,二者间差异有统计学意义(t= 4.413,P=0.000)。


OPN 在乳腺癌组织中的高表达与肿瘤血管的生成和肿瘤的浸润及转移有一定关系,针对OPN 的进一步研究可能为临床治疗乳腺癌转移提供新的方法。


To explore the expression of osteopontin in breast carcinoma and its relationship with microvascular density.


Envision immunohistochemical method was used to examine the expressions of osteopontin and CD34 in 89 invasive breast carcinoma cases and analyze their relationship with clinical pathological characteristics.Qualitative data were analyzed using chi-square test. Quantitative data were analyzed using t test.


In the 89 cases of breast invasive ductal carcinoma,the positive rate of osteopontin was 57.30% (51/89). In grade I, II and III invasive ductal carcinoma patients,the positive rate of osteopontin was 27.27%(6/22), 66.67% (24/36) and 67.74%(21/31), respectively, with statistically significant difference between the three groups of patients(χ2=10.780,P=0.005). In patients with lymph nodes metastases and without lymph nodes metastases, the positive rate of osteopontin was 74. 47% (35/47) and 38. 10% (16/42)respectively, showing a high positive rate of osteopontin patients with lymph nodes metastases than without (χ2=11.993,P=0.001). The microvessel density was (68.42±23.45) per high-power field in patients with negative expression of osteopontin and (94.96±31.03)per high-power field in patients with positive expression of osteopontin, with statistically significant difference between the two groups (t=4.413, P=0.000).


High expression of osteopontin in breast cancer may have some relationship with tumor angiogenesis and tumor invasion and metastasis. Further study on the role of osteopontin in breast cancer blood vessels will provide a new method for the clinical treatment of breast cancer metastasis.

图1 骨桥蛋白阳性表达(免疫组织化学染色 ×200)
图2 骨桥蛋白阴性表达(免疫组织化学染色 ×200)
表1 骨桥蛋白阳性表达与临床特征的关系
表2 乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中骨桥蛋白表达与MVD 的关系
图3 骨桥蛋白阴性标本的CD34 表达(免疫组织化学染色 ×200)
图4 骨桥蛋白阳性标本的CD34 表达(免疫组织化学染色 ×200)
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