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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2009, Vol. 03 ›› Issue (03) : 301 -308. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0807.2009.03.007


伦增军1, 黄勇1, 王静1, 侯俊岭1, 李朝战1, 扈文涛1, 鲍广建1   
  1. 1.277102山东 枣庄,枣庄市立医院外二科
  • 收稿日期:2008-05-05 出版日期:2009-06-11

Expression of survivin and proliferating cell nuclear antigen in breast cancer tissues and their clinical significance

Zeng-jun LUN, Yong HUANG, Jing WANG, Jun-ling HOU, Chao-zhan LI, Wen-tao HU, Guang-jian BAO   

  • Received:2008-05-05 Published:2009-06-11

伦增军, 黄勇, 王静, 侯俊岭, 李朝战, 扈文涛, 鲍广建. 乳腺癌组织中survivin和增殖细胞核抗原的表达及其临床意义[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2009, 03(03): 301-308.

Zeng-jun LUN, Yong HUANG, Jing WANG, Jun-ling HOU, Chao-zhan LI, Wen-tao HU, Guang-jian BAO. Expression of survivin and proliferating cell nuclear antigen in breast cancer tissues and their clinical significance[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2009, 03(03): 301-308.




回顾性分析枣庄市立医院2001年1月至2006年12月手术治疗的156例乳腺癌患者的临床病理学资料(患者术前均未行化疗或放射治疗)。采用免疫组织化学SP法检测癌组织石蜡切片中survivin及PCNA 的表达。定性资料间的比较,依据不同分析目的分别采用线性趋势检验、Kappa检验或χ2 检验;应用多因素Logistic回归分析与survivin 及PCNA 阳性表达有关的因素。


乳腺癌中survivin及PCNA 阳性表达与肿瘤病理分型、肿瘤大小无关(P>0.050),但其与组织学分级、临床分期、淋巴结转移数目相关(P<0.050)。Survivin及PCNA 阳性表达随着癌组织分化程度降低,淋巴结转移数目增加,临床分期增高而增强。多因素Logistic回归分析显示组织学分级是影响survivin 及PCNA 阳性表达的最主要因素(P<0.050)。乳腺癌中survivin 和PCNA 的表达密切关联(Kappa 值为0.256,P<0.001)。Survivin和PCNA 双阳性患者复发转移率高于双阴性患者(χ2=6.510,P=0.011)。


联合检测survivin及PCNA 可作为判断乳腺癌生物学行为和预后的重要指标。


To investigate the expression of survivin and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)in breast cancer tissue and their clinical significance.


The clinical pathology data of 156 patients with breast cancer managed with a routine surgical treatment,who had no chemotherapy or radiation therapy before operation,in Zaozhuang Municipal Hospital from January 2001 to December 2006 were retrospectively analyzed .Immunohistochemical SP method was used to determine the expressions of survivin and PCNA in the cancer tissues.Comparison between qualitative data was performed using linear trend test,Kappa test or Chisquare test according to different analytical purposes respectively.Logistic regression analysis was applied for the analysis of positive expression-related factors of survivin and PCNA.


The positive expressions of survivin and PCNA protein in breast cancer tissues were not related with pathology feature and tumor size (P>0.050),but were associated with tumor histological grade,clinic stage and the number of lymph node metastasis (P<0.050).The expressions of survivin and PCNA-positive cancer tissues were increased with the decrease of cancer tissue differentiation,and the increase in the number of lymph node metastasis and TNM staging.Logistic regression analysis showed that the histological grade of breast cancer was the main factor impacting the survivin and PCNA expression (P<0.050).Survivin was positively related with PCNA (Kappa value,0.256;P<0.001).Survivin and PCNA dual-positive patients had higher rates of recurrence and metastasis than survivin and PCNA dual-negative patients(χ2=6.510,P=0.011).


Detection of the expressions of survivin and PCNA can estimate the biological behavior and predict the prognosis for breast cancer.

表1 survivin及PCNA 表达与临床病理因素的关系
图1 乳腺癌组织中增殖细胞核抗原的表达(S-P染色 ×400)
表2 乳腺癌survivin表达的多因素Logistic回归分析结果
表3 乳腺癌PCNA 表达的多因素Logistic回归分析结果
表4 survivin和PCNA 的表达的关系(例)
表5 Survivin和PCNA 表达与患者复发、转移的关系
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