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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2011, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (03) : 272 -282. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0807.2011.03.002


姜蕾1, 周意明2, 陈敏1, 周诚1,(), 李波3,()   
  1. 1.100730 北京,卫生部北京医院放射科
    2.100020 北京,首都医科大学朝阳医院放射科
    3.100730 北京,卫生部北京医院普外科
  • 收稿日期:2010-05-19 出版日期:2011-06-01
  • 通信作者: 周诚, 李波
  • 基金资助:

Early evaluation of the response of breast cancer to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with functional MRI

Lei JIANG, Yi-ming ZHOU, Min CHEN, Cheng Zhou(), Bo Li()   

  • Received:2010-05-19 Published:2011-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Cheng Zhou, Bo Li

姜蕾, 周意明, 陈敏, 周诚, 李波. 功能磁共振成像早期评估乳腺癌新辅助化疗疗效的临床研究[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2011, 05(03): 272-282.

Lei JIANG, Yi-ming ZHOU, Min CHEN, Cheng Zhou, Bo Li. Early evaluation of the response of breast cancer to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with functional MRI[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2011, 05(03): 272-282.




收集已确诊为乳腺癌(T 分期在T1c 以上)并将进行NCT 者21 例。 患者在全部化疗疗程结束后均进行手术治疗。 根据手术后病理组织检查结果,将患者分为化疗有效组(R 组)和无效组(NR 组)。 所有患者均进行2 次MRI 检查,分别在化疗前1 周内(化疗前)和化疗第1 疗程结束后3 周内(第2 疗程开始前)进行,包括MRS、DCE 和DWI。 观察4 项指标:MRS 的复合胆碱浓度(tCho)、DCE 的时间-信号强度曲线(DCE曲线类型)、DWI 的表观扩散系数(ADC)和DCE 的病灶最大径。 采用配对样本均数t 检验或Wilcoxon 非参数检验比较化疗前、后病灶4 项指标的变化,绘制ROC 曲线并分析4 项指标的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值和阴性预测值等。


21 例中R 组18 例,NR 组3 例。 化疗后与化疗前相比,R 组tCho 浓度、DCE 曲线类型、ADC 及病灶最大径的变化均有统计学意义(P<0.050),但tCho 浓度出现变化的时间最早,其次为DCE 曲线类型、ADC 和病灶最大径。 NR 组4 项指标均无显著变化。 这4 项指标的受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)下面积分别为0.98、0.83、0.72、0.63;应用tCho 浓度降低35.84%、DCE 曲线类型变化、ADC 升高1.17%及病灶缩小3.71%预测化疗有效的灵敏度、特异度及阳性预测值分别为94. 4%/100. 0%/100. 0%、66. 7%/100. 0%/100.0%、44.4%/100.0%/100.0%、55.6%/66.7%/90.9%。


功能磁共振成像可用于早期评估NCT 疗效;MRS tCho 浓度、DCE 时间-信号强度曲线类型、ADC 及病灶最大径的变化均有较好的阳性预测值,但是tCho 浓度预测化疗有效性的敏感性最高。


To analyze the values of functional MRI, including magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE) and diffusion weighted image (DWI) in monitoring the early response of breast cancer to neoadjuvant chemotherapy(NCT).


Twenty-one patients with breast cancer were recruited. All the patients underwent both NCT and surgery. By evaluating histopathology from surgery, patients were divided into a significant responder group (R group) and a non-significant responder group(NR group). All the patients underwent MRI twice, including MRS, DCE and DWI, (within one week before and within three weeks after the first cycle of NCT, respectively). Four parameters, including total choline (tCho) concentration on MRS, time-signal intensity curve and lesion size on DCE, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) on DWI and lesion size on DCE, before and after the first cycle of NCT were compared using paired sample t test or Wilcoson nonparametric test. ROC curves were drawn and their sensitivity, specificity,positive predictive value and negative predictive value were analyzed.


Among the 21 cases, 18 were grouped into the R group and 3 into the NR group. In the R group, tCho concentration, DCE time-signal curve, ADC and lesion size after the 1st cycle of NCT changed significantly, compared with those before NCT(P <0.050), but the tCho concentration changed the earliest, followed by DCE time-signal curve and ADC and lesion size. In the NR group, the four parameters had no significant change. The areas under the ROC curves of the four parameters were 0. 98, 0. 83, 0. 72 and 0. 63, respectively. The values of tCho concentration decrease (threshold of 35.84%), DCE time-signal curve change, ADC increase(threshold of 1. 17%) and lesion size decrease (threshold of 3. 71%) in predicting the sensitivity,specificity and positive predictive value for the early response of breast cancer to NCT were 94.4%/100.0%/100.0%, 66.7%/100.0%/100.0%, 44.4%/100.0%/100.0%and 55.6%/66.7%/90.9%, respectively.


Functional MRI can be used in early predicting the response of tumor to NCT. tCho concentration, DCE time-signal curve, ADC and lesion size have good positive predictive value, but tCho concentration has the highest sensitivity.

表1 R 组18 例化疗前、后tCho 浓度、DCE 曲线类型、ADC 值及病灶最大径的变化 M(QR)
图1 浸润性导管癌患者的化疗前MRI 及病理图 a:增强后T1WI 显示左侧乳腺有一明显强化的肿块;b:增强曲线呈III 型;c:扩散加权成像(DWI)显示病灶呈高信号;d:波谱线于3.22×10-6 处见一高大的tCho 峰;e:化疗前穿刺病理切片显示肿瘤细胞形态完好,无明显多形性(HE 染色 ×400)
图2 浸润性导管癌患者化疗第1 疗程结束后24 h 内的MRI 及术后病理图 a:增强后T1WI 显示左侧乳腺肿块大小较前无变化;b:增强DCE 曲线类型无变化;c: 扩散加权成像(DWI)显示病灶仍呈高信号;d:波谱线中的tCho 峰高较前明显降低;e:手术后病理切片显示,肿瘤细胞明显变性,癌巢细胞量少,癌巢周边出现间隙,纤维组织增生明显,提示化疗效果显著(HE 染色 ×400)
图3 大汗腺癌患者化疗前MRI 及病理图 a:增强后T1WI 显示右侧乳腺有一明显强化的肿块;b:增强曲线呈III 型;c:扩散加权成像(DWI)显示病灶呈高信号;d:波谱线于3.22×10-6 处呈一高大复合胆碱峰;e:化疗前穿刺病理切片显示,瘤巢细胞多,无明显多形性,瘤巢周围淋巴细胞反应轻,无明显纤维组织增生(HE 染色 ×400)
图4 大汗腺癌患者化疗第1 疗程结束后第3 周内的MRI 及术后病理图 a:增强后T1WI 显示肿块明显缩小;b:增强曲线变为II 型;c:扩散加权成像(DWI)显示病灶信号稍减低;d:波谱复合胆碱峰高降低;e:手术后病理切片显示,肿瘤细胞嗜酸变性,数量减少,瘤巢周边出现间隙并有多量淋巴细胞反应及纤维组织增生(HE 染色 ×400)
表2 6 例有效者化疗后1 周内MRI 检查4 项指标的变化
表3 4 例有效者化疗后1~2 周内MRI 检查4 项指标的变化
表4 8 例有效者化疗后2~3 周内MRI 检查4 项指标的变化
图5 乳腺乳头状癌患者化疗前的MRI 及病理图 a: 增强T1WI 显示左侧乳腺乳头后有一肿块;b:Ⅱ型增强曲线;c: 扩散加权成像(DWI)显示病灶呈高信号;d:波谱线于3.2×10-6 处呈胆碱峰;e:化疗前穿刺病理切片显示,癌细胞形态完好(HE ×400)
图6 乳腺乳头状癌患者化疗第1 疗程结束后第3 周内的MRI 及术后病理图 a:增强T1WI 显示病灶最大径无明显变化;b:增强曲线仍呈Ⅱ型;c:扩散加权成像(DWI)显示病灶仍呈高信号;d:波谱仍可见tCho 峰;e:手术病理切片显示,癌细胞无明显变性,癌细胞量仍很多,没有明显纤维组织形成,提示化疗无明显效果(HE ×400)
表5 NR 组化疗前后tCho 浓度、DCE 曲线类型、ADC 及病灶最大径的变化
图7 tCho 浓度、DCE 曲线类型、ADC 及病灶大小的变化预测化疗有效性的ROC 曲线
表6 应用tCho 浓度、DCE 曲线类型、ADC 及病灶最大径的变化预测化疗有效性的统计评价
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