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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2013, Vol. 07 ›› Issue (04) : 245 -249. doi: 10.3877/cma. j. issn.1674-0807.2013.04.002


宁平1,(), 刘泽宇1, 陈军1, 雷蕾1, 张勇1, 梁琦1   
  1. 1.610091 成都,成都市妇女儿童中心医院乳腺科
  • 收稿日期:2013-03-28 出版日期:2013-08-01
  • 通信作者: 宁平

Clinical classification of lactational mastitis and strategies of individualized therapy

Ping NING1,(), Ze-yu LIU1, Jun CHEN1, Lei LEI1, Yong ZHANG1, Qi LIANG1   

  1. 1.Department of Breast Diseases, Chengdu Women’s &Children’s Central Hospital, Chengdu 610091, China
  • Received:2013-03-28 Published:2013-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Ping NING

宁平, 刘泽宇, 陈军, 雷蕾, 张勇, 梁琦. 哺乳期乳腺炎临床分型及个体化治疗策略的探讨[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2013, 07(04): 245-249.

Ping NING, Ze-yu LIU, Jun CHEN, Lei LEI, Yong ZHANG, Qi LIANG. Clinical classification of lactational mastitis and strategies of individualized therapy[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2013, 07(04): 245-249.




回顾性分析了2006 年7 月至2011 年8 月本院收治的1650 例哺乳期乳腺炎患者的临床资料,将其分为传统治疗组736 例及个体化治疗组914 例进行对比分析。 计数资料用卡方检验,计量资料用两样本t 检验。


个体化治疗组治愈率为92.8%(849/914),症状缓解的平均时间为(1.86±1.97)d,回乳率为13.3%(122/914),脓肿形成率为7.2%(65/914),复发率为6.1%(56/914),均明显低于传统治疗组(P<0.01)。 在传统治疗组,外周型乳腺炎患者的脓肿形成率(13.8%,59/427)和回乳率(42.4%,181/427)均低于中央型乳腺炎(51.0%,26/51;84.3%,43/51),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在个体化治疗组,外周型乳腺炎患者的脓肿形成率(5.9%,30/505)和回乳率(4.2%,21/505)显著低于中央型乳腺炎(25.9%,15/58;70.7%,41/58),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。




To investigate the clinical classification of the lactational mastitis and the strategies of individualized therapy.


We retrospectively analyzed 1650 patients with lactational mastitis admitted in our hospital from July 2006 to August 2011. They were divided into two groups for comparison: the conventional therapy group (n=736) and the individualized therapy group (n=914). The numeration data were analyzed using chi-square test,measurement data using two-sanple t test.


In the individualized therapy group, the cure rate was 92.8%(849/914), the average time of symptom relief (1.86±1.97) d, milk regurgitation rate 13.3%(122/914), the rate of abscess formation (7.2%,65/914), and the recurrence rate(6.1%,56/914), which were significantly lower than those in the conventional therapy group(P<0.01). In the conventional therapy group, the rate of abscess formation(13.8%,59/427)and milk regurgitation rate (42.4%,181/427)in peripheral mastitis patients were significantly lower than those in the patients with central mastitis (51.0%,26/51;84.3%,43/51; P<0.05). In the individualized therapy group,the rate of abscess formation(5.9%,30/505)and milk regurgitation rate (4.2%,21/505) in peripheral mastitis patients were significantly lower than those in the patients with central mastitis (25.9%,15/58;70.7%,41/58; P<0.05).


Based on the clinical classification, the individualized therapy should be given to lactational mastitis patients, which can improve the cure rate, reduce the milk regurgitation,recurrence and abscess formation.

表1 两组患者的临床特征
表2 两组治疗效果比较
表3 两组中中央型和周围型乳腺炎的治疗效果比较[n(%)]
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