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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2013, Vol. 07 ›› Issue (01) : 34 -38. doi: 10.3877/cma. j. issn.1674-0807.2013.01.008


孙春雷1, 周士福1,(), 孟东1, 时伟锋1, 赵于天1, 金建荣1, 吕庆1, 陈玲1, 杭建萍1, 李励琦1   
  1. 1.214062 江苏无锡,无锡市第四人民医院乳腺科
  • 收稿日期:2012-09-11 出版日期:2013-02-01
  • 通信作者: 周士福

Treatment choice in early breast cancer patients suitable for breast conservation

Chun-lei SUN1, Shi-fu ZHOU1,(), Dong MENG1, Wei-feng SHI1, Yu-tian ZHAO1, Jian-rong JIN1, Qing LÜ1, Ling CHEN1, Jian-ping HANG1, Li-qi LI1   

  1. 1.Department of Breast Surgery, Fourth People's Hospital of Wuxi City, Wuxi 214062, China
  • Received:2012-09-11 Published:2013-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Shi-fu ZHOU

孙春雷, 周士福, 孟东, 时伟锋, 赵于天, 金建荣, 吕庆, 陈玲, 杭建萍, 李励琦. 具备保留乳房条件的早期乳腺癌治疗方式选择[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2013, 07(01): 34-38.

Chun-lei SUN, Shi-fu ZHOU, Dong MENG, Wei-feng SHI, Yu-tian ZHAO, Jian-rong JIN, Qing LÜ, Ling CHEN, Jian-ping HANG, Li-qi LI. Treatment choice in early breast cancer patients suitable for breast conservation[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2013, 07(01): 34-38.




回顾无锡市第四人民医院乳腺科2007 年6 月至2012 年1 月期间收治的136 例保留乳房手术患者的临床资料。 保留乳房手术+术中放疗62 例(术中放疗组),使用9 MeV电子线21 Gy 一次照射,其中行腋窝淋巴结清扫(ALND)41 例(ALND 组),行SLNB 21 例(SLNB 组);保留乳房手术+术后全乳照射74 例(术后放疗组),照射剂量为50 ~60 Gy(5 ~6 周,照射25 ~30 次)。 比较术中放疗组与术后放疗组手术及伤口愈合时间、放疗费用和美容效果;并记录两组放射性损伤、肿瘤复发及死亡事件;记录SLNB 组与ALND 组肩关节功能、患肢水肿及感觉异常、皮下积液等并发症。 计量资料和等级资料采用非参数检验。


与术后放疗组相比,术中放疗组的手术时间和切口愈合时间延长[M(QR): 120(15) min 比90(15) min,P=0.00;M(QR): 13(4) d 比8(1) d, P=0.00],放疗费用少[M(QR): 3500(200)元比14 100(1000)元,P=0.00],美容效果优良率差异无统计学意义[95.2%(59/62)比86.5%(64/74),P=0.09],并且放射性损伤轻。 保留乳房手术+术中放疗组有2 例局部复发、2 例远处转移、1 例死亡;而保留乳房手术+术后放疗组有1 例局部复发、3 例远处转移、无死亡病例;两组皆无对侧乳腺癌发生。 ALND 组有3 例肩关节功能障碍、7 例患肢水肿、10 例患肢感觉异常、5 例皮下积液;而SLNB 组轻度肩关节功能障碍、Ⅰ度患肢水肿、皮下积液各1 例。


保留乳房手术+术中放疗具有单次照射、部位剂量确切、费用低、美容效果佳、保护周围脏器等优点。 同时,SLNB 可避免肩关节功能障碍、患肢水肿及感觉异常、皮下积液等并发症。


To study the feasibility and the advantages of breast-conserving surgery plus intraoperative radiotherapy plus sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) in early breast cancer patients who are suitable for breast conservation.


We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 136 early breast cancer patients with breast conservation in our hospital from June 2007 to January 2012. Among them, 62 received intraoperative radiotherapy at the dosage of 21 Gy with 9 MeV electrons (intraoperative radiotherapy group), including 41 with axillary lymph node dissection (ALND group) and 21 with SLNB (SLNB group);74 received conventional postoperative whole-breast radiotherapy at the dosage of 50-60 Gy (5-6 weeks,25-30 times) after breast-conserving surgery (postoperative radiotherapy group). The duration of operation and wound healing, cost of radiotherapy, and cosmetic results were compared between the intraoperative and postoperative radiotherapy group. The events of radiation injury, recurrence and death were recorded. The function of shoulder joint, edema and abnormal sensation of the affected limb, subcutaneous effusion were recorded in SLNB group and ALND group. The non-parametric test was used for quantitative data and ranked data.


Compared with postoperative radiotherapy group, the intraoperative radiotherapy group had longer operation time [M(QR): 120(15) min vs 90(15)min, P=0.00], more wound healing days [M(QR): 13(4) d vs 8(1) d, P=0.00], less cost [M(QR): 3500(200)RMB vs 14100(1000)RMB, P=0.00], and slighter radiation injury. No difference in cosmetic results was showed[95.2%(59/162) vs 86.5%(64/74),P=0.09]. There were 2 cases of local recurrences, 2 distant metastases and 1 death in the intraoperative group, while there was 1 local recurrence,3 distant metastases and no death in the postoperative radiotherapy group. No contralateral breast cancer occurred in two groups. There were 3 cases of shoulder joint dysfunction,7 edema of affected limb,10 abnormal sensation of the affected limb,5 subcutaneous effusion in ALND group,whereas we observed 1 case of shoulder joint dysfunction,1 edema of affected limb of degree I, and 1 subcutaneous effusion in SLNB group.


The breast-conserving surgery plus intraoperative radiotherapy have the advantages of single fraction irradiation, accurate location and dosage, less cost, better cosmetic results and protection of adjacent organs. Meanwhile the sentinel lymph node biopsy can avoid surgical complications such as shoulder joint dysfunction,limb swelling and abnormal cutaneous sensation,subcutaneous effusion.

图1 保留乳房手术+术中放疗
表1 术中放疗组与术后放疗组临床资料比较
表2 术中放疗组与术后放疗组美容效果比较
图2 术中放疗组与术后放疗组的乳房外观比较 a: 保留乳房+术中放疗后3 个月,双乳对称,乳房外形与健侧无差别,无乳腺上提或变形,皮肤正常,手感与健侧无差别;b: 保留乳房+术后全乳放疗后9 个月,患侧乳房略小于健侧且上提,皮肤增厚、粗糙、色素沉着,手感略差
表3 术中放疗组与术后放疗组放射性损伤、肿瘤复发及死亡事件(例)
表4 SLNB 与ALND 患者的并发症比较(例)
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