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Moskowitz CS, Chou JF, Wolden SL, et al. New insights into the risk of breast cancer in childhood cancer survivors treated with chest radiation: A report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS) and the Women's Environmental Cancer and Radiation Epidemiology (WECARE) study[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=100009.
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Chlebowski RT, Anderson GL, Kuller LH, et al. Estrogen plus progestin (E+P) and breast cancer incidence and mortality[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview = abst _ detail _view&confID=114&abstractID=99026.
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Bonanni B, Maisonneuve P, Serrano D, et al. A phase III prevention trial of low-dose tamoxifen in HRT users: The HOT trial[EB/OL].[2012-09-10].http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=97571.
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Boyle P, Boniol M, Koechlin A, et al. Diabetes, related factors, and breast cancer risk[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10].http:/ /www.asco.org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview= abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=97545.
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Balko JM, Sanders M, Kuba MG, et al. A gene expression signature of MEK pathway activation to predict survival in triple-negative breast cancer[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=98384.
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Yi M, Mittendorf EA, Hwang RF, et al. Are mastectomy rates really increasing? Experiences from a single institution and a population-based database[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=97891.
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Nishimura J, Choi A, Kim S, et al. Trends in the use of breast-conserving surgery and adjuvant radiation therapy in patients with DCIS: A U. S. population-based analysis from 1996 to 2007[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco.org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=95529.
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Kapoor NS, Shamonki J, Yoon JL, et al. Is there a need for sentinel lymph node biopsy in microinvasive breast cancer?[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=93812.
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Motomura K, Izumi T, Tateishi S, et al. SPIO-enhanced MR imaging for axillary staging to avoid sentinel node biopsy in patients with breast cancer[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=93505.
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Surapaneni R, Jozefara J, Hendershott K, et al. Breast cancer surgery during pregnancy[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10].http:/ /www.asco.org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=100745.
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Huo DZ, Hou NQ, Jaskowiak NT, et al. Postmastectomy radiotherapy for patients with one to three positive lymph nodes:Utilization and benefit[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=96879.
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Lawrence LM, Shah A, Young ME, et al. Phase I/II trial of partial breast irradiation (PBI) with various concurrent chemo-therapy regimens[EB/OL].[2012-09-10].http:/ /www.asco.org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=100778.
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Swain SM, Tang G, Geyer CE, et al. NSABP B-38: Definitive analysis of a randomized adjuvant trial comparing dosedense (DD) AC followed by paclitaxel (P) plus gemcitabine (G) with DD AC followed by P and with docetaxel,doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide (TAC) in women with operable, node-positive breast cancer[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10].http:/ /www.asco.org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=98794.
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Migdady Y, Sikov WM, Sakr BJ, et al. Impact of adjuvant chemotherapy on recurrence-free survival in patients with pT1a/b hormone-negative and HER-2-positive breast cancer[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=91121.
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Martin M, Lluch A, Ruiz A, et al. Randomized phase III study of adjuvant chemotherapy for high-risk, node-negative breast cancer (BC) comparing FAC with FAC followed by weekly paclitaxel: First efficacy analysis of the GEICAM/2003-02 trial [EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview = abst _ detail _view&confID=114&abstractID=99535.
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Sparano JA, O'Neill A, Gray RJ, et al. 10-year update of E2197: Phase III doxorubicin/docetaxel (AT) versus doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide (AC) adjuvant treatment of LN1 and high-risk LN- breast cancer and the comparison of the prognostic utility of the 21-gene recurrence score (RS) with clinicopathologic features[EB/OL].[2012-09-10].http:/ /www.asco.org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=94749.
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Schneeweiss A, Ruiz A, Manikhas A, et al. A randomized phase II trial of doxorubicin plus pemetrexed followed by docetaxel versus doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel as neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) for early breast cancer: Three-year follow-up data[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts?&vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=91799.
[18] |
Altwairgi AK, Parulekar W, Chapman JW, et al. Impact of concurrent (CON) and sequential (SEQ) radiotherapy (RT)with adjuvant aromatase inhibitors (AI) in early-stage breast cancer (EBC): NCIC CTG MA.27[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10].http:/ /www.asco.org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=93737.
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Shepherd LE, Chapman JW, Ali SM, et al. Effect of osteoporosis in postmenopausal breast cancer patients randomized to adjuvant exemestane or anastrozole: NCIC CTG MA.27[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=93668.
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Gregory W, Marshall H, Bell R, et al. Adjuvant zoledronic acid (ZOL) in postmenopausal women with breast cancer and those rendered postmenopausal: Results of a meta-analysis[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=100238.
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Ambros TF, Reis IM, Bagga D, et al. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy versus neoadjuvant hormonal therapy in postmenopausal women with ER-positive, HER-2/neu negative locally advanced breast cancer[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www.asco.org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=94955.
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Robidoux A, Tang G, Rastogi P, et al. Evaluation of lapatinib as a component of neoadjuvant therapy for HER-2+operable breast cancer: NSABP protocol B-41[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=99368.
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Boyle F, Smith IE, O'Shaughnessy J, et al. Lapatinib in HER-2+ early breast cancer: Quality of life analysis. [EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview = abst _ detail _ view&confID =114&abstractID=98735.
[24] |
Frenel JS, Rodrigues MJ, Peron J, et al. Impact of adjuvant trastuzumab-based chemotherapy in T1ab node-negative HER-2 overexpressing breast carcinomas.[EB/OL].[2012-09-10].http:/ /www.asco.org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts?&vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=97503.
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Dang CT, Gianni L, Romieu G, et al. Cardiac safety in a phase II study of trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) following anthracycline-based chemotherapy as adjuvant or neoadjuvant therapy for early stage HER-2-positive breast cancer[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview = abst _ detail _ view&confID =114&abstractID=100949.
[26] |
Chae YK, Brown EN, Lei XD, et al. ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers use and breast cancer outcomes in patients treated with neoadjuvant systemic chemotherapy[EB/OL]. [2012-09-10]. http:/ /www. asco. org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts? &vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114& abstractID=96713.