To expl ore breast conser ving sur ger y f or earl y breast cancer in old people.
Fro m January 2002 to December 2007,the clinical data of 46 fe male ol d patients wit h earl y pri mary breast cancer,who under went breast conserving surgery,were retrospectively analyzed.Breast conserving sur gery included partial excision of t he breast and axillar y ly mph node dissection.Adjuvant irradiation,chemotherapy and hor mone therapy were given postoperatively.
The breast conserving surgery of the 46 patients was successf ul and no serious postoperative complications occurred.The breast speci mens were pathologically examined and no residual cancer cells in the resection margin was found.All cases were f ollowed up f or 9~68 months,which showed local reoccurrence in 2 cases,but no distant metastasis in all cases.
For ol d patients wit h early breast cancer,breast conser ving surgery is a safe and effective therapy with s mall trau ma,less co mplications and less reoccurrence.The strict indications and contraindication,standar dization and individual treat ment are crucial to breast conserving therapy.
Key words:
Old people,
Breast neoplasms,
Breast conserving surgery
Jin-hui DING, Bing YU, Chao-ying LUO, Min-quan WANG, Lei SONG, Guohui SUN. A clinical study of breast conserving surgery for old patients with early breast cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2009, 03(05): 510-516.