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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (02) : 85 -92. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0807.2024.02.005


李朝阳1, 任文琦1, 侯令密2, 蒋燕清3, 刘沁豪4, 赵永真1, 张梅5, 钱双强2, 李金穗2,()   
  1. 1. 637000 四川南充,川北医学院临床医学院
    2. 637000 四川南充,川北医学院附属医院甲状腺乳腺外科
    3. 637000 四川南充,川北医学院眼视光医学院
    4. 637000 四川南充,川北医学院医学检验系
    5. 635000 四川达州,达州市中心医院乳腺甲状腺血管外科
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-07 出版日期:2024-04-01
  • 通信作者: 李金穗

Management of sentinel lymph node micrometastases after mastectomy in patients with T1-2N1miM0 breast cancer

Zhaoyang Li1, Wenqi Ren1, Lingmi Hou2, Yanqing Jiang3, Qinhao Liu4, Yongzhen Zhao1, Mei Zhang5, Shuangqiang Qian2, Jinsui Li2,()   

  1. 1. School of Clinical Medicine, North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong 637000, Sichuan Province, China
    2. Department of Thyroid and Breast Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong 637000, Sichuan Province, China
    3. School of Optometry, North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong 637000, Sichuan Province, China
    4. Department of Medical Laboratory, North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong 637000, Sichuan Province, China
    5. Department of Breast, Thyroid and Vascular Surgery, Dazhou Central Hospital, Dazhou 635000, Sichuan Province, China
  • Received:2023-11-07 Published:2024-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Jinsui Li

李朝阳, 任文琦, 侯令密, 蒋燕清, 刘沁豪, 赵永真, 张梅, 钱双强, 李金穗. T1-2N1miM0期乳腺癌患者乳房切除术后前哨淋巴结微转移的处理[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(02): 85-92.

Zhaoyang Li, Wenqi Ren, Lingmi Hou, Yanqing Jiang, Qinhao Liu, Yongzhen Zhao, Mei Zhang, Shuangqiang Qian, Jinsui Li. Management of sentinel lymph node micrometastases after mastectomy in patients with T1-2N1miM0 breast cancer[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(02): 85-92.




本研究为回顾性队列研究,分析了SEER数据库中2010—2019年3 871例病理诊断为T1-2N1miM0期单侧浸润性乳腺导管癌并行乳房切除的患者数据。根据患者术后腋窝处理情况,将其分为前哨淋巴结活组织检查(SLNB)组(2 519例)和SLNB联合腋窝淋巴结清扫(ALND)组(1 352例)。其中,又将SLNB组患者分为术后放射治疗(PMRT)组(706例)和无术后放射治疗(Non-PMRT)组(1 813例)。通过倾向评分匹配法(PSM)平衡基线特征后,采用Kaplan-Meier法及Log-rank检验比较不同组患者的BCSS。单因素分析、多因素分析及亚组分析均采用Cox比例风险回归模型筛选其风险因素。






To investigate the impact of different axillary treatments on the breast cancer-specific survival (BCSS) in T1-2N1miM0 breast cancer patients after mastectomy.


This was a retrospective cohort study. The clinical data of 3 871 patients with unilateral invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast at stage T1-2N1miM0 from 2010 to 2019 in the SEER database were analyzed. According to the postoperative axillary management, all patients were divided into sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) group (2 519 cases, receiving only SLNB) and axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) group (1 352 cases, receiving SLNB combined with ALND). The patients in SLNB group were subdivided into post-mastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT) group (706 cases) and non-PMRT group (1 813 cases) according to whether they received PMRT or not. After balancing the baseline characteristics by propensity score matching (PSM), the Kaplan-Meier and log-rank test were used to compare BCSS of patients between groups. The Cox proportional hazards regression model was used for single-factor analysis, multiple-factor analysis and subgroup analysis.


A total of 185 patients died of breast cancer, including 81 in the SLNB group and 104 in the ALND group. In the SLNB group, there were 37 breast cancer-related deaths in the non-PMRT group and 35 in the PMRT group. Survival analysis showed that there was no significant difference in BCSS between the ALND group and the SLNB group (χ2=0.260, P=0.610) and between the non-PMRT group and the PMRT group (χ2=0.893, P=0.345). The results of Cox regression analysis showed that for all patients, age, histological grade, tumor size and molecular typing were independent influencing factors for BCSS; for patients in SLNB group, molecular typing was an independent influencing factor for BCSS. ALND did not significantly improve BCSS of all patients (HR=0.953, 95%CI: 0.710-1.279, P=0.750), and PMRT did not significantly improve BCSS of the patients only receiving SLNB (HR=1.193, 95%CI: 0.746-1.908, P=0.462). Subgroup analysis showed that whether the patients received radiotherapy or not, there was no benefit of BCSS from ALND (no PMRT: HR=0.998, 95%CI: 0.700-1.424, P=0.993; PMRT: HR=1.286, 95%CI: 0.770-2.148, P=0.336). Meanwhile, ALND did not bring benefit to other subgroups of patients; in hormone receptor-negative and HER-2-positive patients, ALND even showed adverse effect on their BCSS (HR=9.577, 95%CI: 1.226-74.849, P=0.031).


Both ALND and PMRT bring no significant improvement on the prognosis of T1-2N1miM0 breast cancer.

表1 Cox多因素分析变量赋值表
表2 3 871例乳腺癌患者倾向性评分匹配前后的基线特征
特征 倾向性评分匹配前 倾向性评分匹配后
SLNB组( n=2 519) ALND组(n=1 352) t2 P SLNB组(n=1 347) ALND组(n=1 347) t2 P
年龄(岁,±s 55.19±13.62 54.56±13.40 1.381a 0.167 54.14±13.53 54.50±13.38 -0.693 a 0.488
白人 1 965(78.0) 1 008(74.6)     1 007(74.8) 1 005(74.6)    
黑人 231(9.2) 182(13.5) 18.058 <0.001 103(7.6) 180(13.4) 35.516 <0.001
亚裔 298(11.8) 145(10.7) 217(16.1) 145(10.8)
其他 25(1.0) 17(1.3)     20(1.5) 17(1.3)    
已婚 1 592(63.2) 804(59.5) 5.196 0.023 851(63.2) 804(59.7) 3.461 0.063
未婚 927(36.8) 548(40.5) 496(36.8) 543(40.3)
1级 427(17.0) 173(12.8)     180(13.4) 173(12.8)    
2级 1 234(49.0) 601(44.5) -5.585 <0.001 633(47.0) 600(44.5) -1.422 0.155
3~4级 858(34.1) 578(42.8)     534(39.6) 574(42.6)    
右侧 1 273(50.5) 649(48.0) 2.258 0.133 670(49.7) 648(48.1) 0.719 0.396
左侧 1 246(49.5) 703(52.0) 677(50.3) 699(51.9)
肿瘤大小(mm,±s 21.04±10.66 23.30±11.40 -6.033a <0.001 22.83±11.06 23.21±11.32 -0.880a 0.379
T1 1 362(54.1) 620(45.9) 23.741 <0.001 629(46.7) 620(46.0) 0.121 0.728
T2 1 157(45.9) 732(54.1) 718(53.3) 727(54.0)
HR+/HER-2+ 315(12.5) 195(14.4)     196(14.6) 195(14.5)    
HR+/HER-2- 1 927(76.5) 938(69.4) 27.062 <0.001 972(72.2) 935(69.4) 4.395 0.222
HR-/HER-2+ 91(3.6) 72(5.3) 60(4.5) 71(5.3)
HR-/HER-2- 186(7.4) 147(10.9)     119(8.8) 146(10.8)    
1 813(72.0) 988(73.1) 0.536 0.464 955(70.9) 983(73.0) 1.442 0.230
706(28.0) 364(26.9) 392(29.1) 364(27.0)
1 261(50.1) 468(34.6) 84.907 <0.001 487(36.2) 468(34.7) 0.586 0.444
1 258(49.9) 884(65.4) 860(63.8) 879(65.3)
表3 2 519例仅接受前哨淋巴结活组织检查的乳腺癌患者倾向性评分匹配前后的基线特征
特征 倾向性评分匹配前 倾向性评分匹配后
Non-PMRT组(n=1813) PMRT组(n=706) t2 P Non-PMRT组(n=688) PMRT组(n=688) t2 P
年龄(岁,±s 56.65±13.51 51.44±13.17 8.767a <0.001 52.46±12.90 51.80±13.12 0.945a 0.345
白人 1 429(78.8) 536(75.9) 3.880 0.275 518(75.3) 521(75.7) 2.851 0.415
黑人 164(9.0) 67(9.5) 57(8.3) 66(9.6)
亚裔 201(11.1) 97(13.7) 101(14.7) 95(13.8)
其他 19(1.0) 6(0.8) 12(1.7) 6(0.9)
已婚 1 130(62.3) 462(65.4) 2.115 0.146 440(64.0) 450(65.4) 0.318 0.573
未婚 683(37.7) 244(34.6) 248(36.0) 238(34.6)
1级 350(19.3) 77(10.9)     80(11.6) 77(11.2)    
2级 904(49.9) 330(46.7) -6.440 <0.001 325(47.2) 325(47.2) -0.227 0.820
3~4级 559(30.8) 299(42.4)     283(41.1) 286(41.6)    
右侧 920(50.7) 353(50.0) 0.113 0.737 353(51.3) 343(49.9) 0.291 0.590
左侧 893(49.3) 353(50.0) 335(48.7) 345(50.1)
肿瘤大小(mm,±s 19.82±10.14 24.17±11.30 -8.931a <0.001 23.29±10.76 23.56±10.76 -0.456a 0.648
T1 1 067(58.9) 295(41.8) 59.606 <0.001 294(42.7) 295(42.9) 0.003 0.957
T2 746(41.1) 411(58.2) 394(57.3) 393(57.1)
HR+/HER-2+ 202(11.1) 113(16.0) 30.625 <0.001 100(14.5) 109(15.8) 2.151 0.542
HR+/HER-2- 1 434(79.1) 493(69.8) 496(72.1) 482(70.1)
HR-/HER-2+ 67(3.7) 24(3.4) 30(4.4) 24(3.5)
HR-/HER-2- 110(6.1) 76(10.8) 62(9.0) 73(10.6)
1 046(57.7) 215(30.5) 150.830 <0.001 221(32.1) 215(31.3) 0.121 0.728
767(42.3) 491(69.5) 467(67.9) 473(68.8)
图1 接受不同腋窝手术方式的乳腺癌患者特异性生存曲线注:χ2=0.260, P=0.610
图2 接受与未接受放射治疗的乳腺癌患者特异性生存曲线注:χ2=0.893, P=0.345
表4 倾向性评分匹配后乳腺癌患者BCSS的单因素Cox回归分析
特征 全部患者(n=2 694) 仅行SLNB的患者(n=1 376)
β Wald χ² P HR 95%CI β Wald χ² P HR 95%CI
年龄 0.016 8.474 <0.001 1.016 1.005~1.027 0.009 0.976 0.323 1.009 0.991~1.028
黑人 0.304 2.025 0.155 1.355 0.892~2.059 0.378 0.993 0.319 1.460 0.694~3.071
亚裔 -0.387 2.267 0.132 0.679 0.411~1.124 0.001 0.001 0.999 0.999 0.509~1.966
其他 -0.954 0.904 0.342 0.385 0.054~2.753 0.102 0.010 0.920 1.107 0.153~8.009
未婚 0.383 6.768 <0.001 1.467 1.099~1.957 0.217 0.814 0.367 1.242 0.776~1.990
2级 1.338 8.286 <0.001 3.812 1.533~9.482 1.336 3.323 0.068 3.805 0.904~16.005
3~4级 2.142 22.015 <0.001 8.520 3.482~20.850 1.942 7.203 <0.001 6.971 1.688~28.780
左侧 0.064 0.190 0.663 1.066 0.799~1.423 -0.192 0.661 0.416 0.825 0.519~1.312
肿瘤大小 0.038 36.209 <0.001 1.039 1.026~1.051 0.028 6.896 <0.001 1.029 1.007~1.051
T2 0.848 26.844 <0.001 2.334 1.694~3.216 0.709 7.461 <0.001 2.033 1.222~3.382
HR+/HER-2- 0.499 2.884 0.089 1.646 0.926~2.927 0.559 1.391 0.238 1.748 0.691~4.425
HR-/HER-2+ 0.873 4.537 0.033 2.393 1.072~5.342 -0.461 0.177 0.674 0.631 0.074~5.401
HR-/HER-2- 1.896 37.504 <0.001 6.656 3.629~12.210 2.120 18.725 <0.001 8.333 3.190~21.769
0.368 4.407 0.036 1.422 1.024~1.976 0.604 3.881 0.049 1.829 1.003~3.335
0.352 5.521 0.019 1.445 1.063~1.964 0.223 0.888 0.346 1.250 0.786~1.989
ALND 0.076 0.260 0.610 1.079 0.806~1.444          
表5 倾向性评分匹配后乳腺癌患者BCSS的多因素Cox回归分析
特征 全部患者(n=2 694) 仅行SLNB的患者(n=1 376)
β Wald χ² P HR 95%CI β Wald χ² P HR 95%CI
年龄 0.020 10.396 <0.001 1.020 1.008~1.032          
未婚 0.265 3.010 0.083 1.303 0.966~1.757          
2级 1.142 5.987 0.014 3.133 1.255~7.820 1.122 2.302 0.129 3.072 0.721~13.098
3~4级 1.702 13.218 <0.001 5.484 2.191~13.728 1.386 3.442 0.064 3.999 0.925~17.295
肿瘤大小 0.302 1.622 0.203 1.353 0.850~2.155 0.007 0.176 0.675 1.007 0.973~1.043
T2 0.848 26.844 <0.001 2.334 1.694~3.216 0.509 1.676 0.195 1.664 0.770~3.599
HR+/HER2- 0.779 6.719 0.010 2.180 1.209~3.929 0.710 2.162 0.141 2.035 0.789~5.244
HR-/HER2+ 0.777 3.554 0.059 2.174 0.970~4.876 -0.461 0.176 0.675 0.631 0.073~5.422
HR-/HER2- 1.688 29.393 <0.001 5.407 2.938~9.953 2.003 16.350 <0.001 7.409 2.806~19.558
0.162 0.653 0.419 1.175 0.794~1.740 0.152 0.213 0.645 1.165 0.609~2.226
0.162 0.943 0.332 1.175 0.848~1.629 0.176 0.542 0.462 1.193 0.746~1.908
ALND -0.048 0.102 0.750 0.953 0.710~1.279          
表6 腋窝手术方式对不同亚组患者乳腺癌特异性生存率的影响
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