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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (05) : 266 -271. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0807.2023.05.002


姚成才(), 刘长春, 黄文剑, 陈明   
  1. 528225 佛山,华南理工大学附属第六医院乳腺外科
  • 收稿日期:2023-02-24 出版日期:2023-10-01
  • 通信作者: 姚成才
  • 基金资助:
    佛山市卫生和计生局医学科研立项课题(20190260); 佛山市高层次医学人才培养基金(2018B015); 佛山市"十四五"医学高水平重点专科建设项目(佛卫函〔2021〕107号)

Single-port non-lipolysis fluorescence-guided laparoscopy for axillary lymph node biopsy in early breast cancer

Chengcai Yao(), Changchun Liu, Wenjian Huang, Ming Chen   

  1. Department of Breast Surgery, Sixth Affiliated Hospital of South China University of Technology, Foshan 528225, China
  • Received:2023-02-24 Published:2023-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Chengcai Yao

姚成才, 刘长春, 黄文剑, 陈明. 单孔非溶脂荧光腔镜技术在早期乳腺癌腋窝前哨淋巴结活组织检查中的应用[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2023, 17(05): 266-271.

Chengcai Yao, Changchun Liu, Wenjian Huang, Ming Chen. Single-port non-lipolysis fluorescence-guided laparoscopy for axillary lymph node biopsy in early breast cancer[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2023, 17(05): 266-271.






30例患者均顺利完成单孔非溶脂荧光腔镜腋窝SLNB。手术时间为(35.4±3.4) min。BMI >24.0 kg/m2的患者手术时间和腋窝总引流量均高于BMI为18.5~24.0 kg/m2的患者[(37.36±9.45) min比(30.29±6.15) min,t=2.480,P=0.019; (155.62±4.29) ml比(132.53±7.65)ml;t=9.748,P<0.001];而术中出血量、拔管时间及术后并发症比较,差异无统计学意义(t=-0.869,P=0.388;t=1.193,P=0.238;P=1.000)。30例患者共检出SLNs 121枚,每例检出(4.89±1.73)枚,病理阳性SLNs 15枚,阳性率12.39%(15/121)。其中,发光SLNs 106枚,染色SLNs 88枚,吲哚菁绿和纳米碳的检出率分别为87.6%(106/121)和72.7%(88/121),差异有统计学意义(P=0.013)。106枚发光SLNs的病理阳性率为14.15%(15/106);88枚染色SLNs的病理阳性率为14.77%(13/88),二者差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.015,P=0.902)。30例患者中位随访15个月,无1例肿瘤局部复发或远处转移。




To investigate the application of single-port non-lipolysis fluorescence-guided laparoscopy in axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) of early breast cancer.


We retrospectively collected the clinicopathologic data of 30 early breast cancer patients in the Department of Breast Surgery, Sixth Affiliated Hospital of South China University of Technology from June 2020 to May 2022. They all underwent axillary SLNB by indocyanine green and nanocarbon staining and single-port non-lipolysis fluorescence-guided laparoscopy through the lateral thoracic approach. The surgical parameters and postoperative complications were compared using t test, χ2 test and Fisher exact test. The detection rates of sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) were compared between different staining methods by McNemar test and the pathological positivity rates of detected lymph nodes were compared by χ2 test.


All 30 patients successfully underwent axillary SLNB by single-port non-lipolysis fluorescence-guided laparoscopy. The operation time was (35.4±3.4) min. The operation time and total axillary drainage volume in patients with BMI >24.0 kg/m2 were significantly higher compared with the patients with BMI of 18.5~24.0 kg/m2[(37.36±9.45) min vs (30.29±6.15) min, t=2.480, P=0.019; (155.62±4.29) ml vs(132.53±7.65)ml; t=9.748, P<0.001]. There was no significant difference in intraoperative blood loss, extubation time and postoperative complications (t=-0.869, P=0.388; t=1.193, P=0.238; P=1.000). A total of 121 SLNs were detected in 30 patients, (4.89±1.73) nodes per person. Fifteen nodes were confirmed as pathologically positive SLNs(12.39%, 15/121). Among 121 detected SLNs, 106 were luminescent (indocyanine green-positive) and and 88 were stained (nanocarbon positive); the detection rates of two methods were 87.6% (106/121) and 72.7% (88/121), respectively, indicating a significant difference (P=0.013). Fifteen nodes were pathologically positive out of 106 luminescent SLNs, with a positive rate of 14.15% (15/106); 13 nodes were pathologically positive out of 88 stained SLNs, with a positive rate of 14.77% (13/88); there was no significant difference between the two (χ2=4.081, P=0.130). All 30 patients were followed up for median 15 months, and no recurrence or distant metastasis of breast cancer was observed.


Single-port non-lipolysis fluorescence-guided laparoscopy for axillary SLNB of early breast cancer is clinically feasible, with few complications and high detection rate of SLNs, worth of clinical application.

表1 30例早期乳腺癌患者的临床病理特征
图1 单孔非溶脂近红外荧光腔镜腋窝前哨淋巴结活组织检查 a图所示荧光脉管成像仪显示乳腺皮下荧光的淋巴管(蓝色箭头);b图所示高清近红外荧光腔镜显示乳腺皮下荧光的淋巴管(蓝色箭头);c图所示经胸外侧腋中线手术入路置入单孔腔镜牵开器进行手术操作;d图所示近红外荧光腔镜荧光模式下显示荧光的淋巴管(蓝色箭头);e图所示荧光模式下显示发光SLN(蓝色箭头)、单纯染色-SLN(黑色箭头)和N-SLNs(红色箭头);f图所示术中切除的淋巴结(1、2为既发光又染色的SLNs,3、5为单纯发光SLNs,4为单纯染色SLNs)注:SLNs为前哨淋巴结,N-SLNs为非前哨淋巴结
表2 30例早期乳腺癌患者手术指标及术后并发症与体质指数的关系
表3 采用吲哚菁绿荧光和纳米碳染色法检出的121枚SLNs的分布情况(枚)
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