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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (05) : 277 -280. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0807.2019.05.004

所属专题: 文献


肖敏1,(), 李三荣1, 周戌1   
  1. 1. 430015 武汉市红十字会医院甲乳外科
  • 收稿日期:2019-04-30 出版日期:2019-10-01
  • 通信作者: 肖敏
  • 基金资助:

Risk factors for idiopathic granulomatous mastitis

Min Xiao1,(), Sanrong Li1, Xu Zhou1   

  1. 1. Department of Thyroid and Breast Surgery, Wuhan Red Cross Hospital, Wuhan 430015, China
  • Received:2019-04-30 Published:2019-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Min Xiao
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Xiao Min, Email:

肖敏, 李三荣, 周戌. 特发性肉芽肿性乳腺炎发病的危险因素分析[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2019, 13(05): 277-280.

Min Xiao, Sanrong Li, Xu Zhou. Risk factors for idiopathic granulomatous mastitis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2019, 13(05): 277-280.




收集2018年1~12月武汉市红十字会医院甲乳外科收治的58例IGM患者(IGM组)及91例良性乳腺病患者(对照组)的临床资料进行回顾性分析。采用Pearson χ2检验或Wilcoxon秩和检验分析2组的一般资料,取P<0.050的变量进入二元Logistic回归分析,从而筛选出与IGM相关的危险因素。


单因素分析结果显示,IGM组与对照组比较,以下因素的差异有统计学意义:自身免疫疾病、胸部撞击、服用避孕药、足月妊娠次数、近5年足月妊娠、双乳交替母乳喂养及催乳素升高(χ2 =4.180、8.649、4.650、-2.782、19.607、5.419、10.740,P均<0.050)。多因素分析结果显示:自身免疫性疾病、催乳素升高、胸部撞击、近5年内足月妊娠、服用避孕药及非双乳交替母乳喂养为IGM的独立危险因素(OR=6.793、4.553、4.248、3.657、3.101、2.492;95%CI:1.759~26.240、1.519~13.648、1.007~18.093、1.652~8.095、1.286~7.476、1.146~5.419;P=0.005、0.007、0.047、0.001、0.012、0.021)。




To explore the risk factors of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (IGM).


Totally 58 patients with IGM (IGM group) and 91 patients with benign breast disease (control group) in the Department of Breast Surgery, Wuhan Red Cross Hospital from January to December 2018 were enrolled for a retrospective study. The Pearson χ2 test or Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to analyze the general data of the two groups. The variables with P<0.050 were processed by the binary logistic regression analysis to screen out the risk factors associated with IGM.


Univariate analysis showed that the following factors presented a significant difference between IGM group and control group: autoimmune diseases, chest impact, use of contraceptive drugs, number of full-term pregnancies, full-term pregnancy during the past five years, alternate breastfeeding and increased prolactin level (χ2= 4.180, 8.649, 4.650, -2.782, 19.607, 5.419, 10.740, all P<0.050). Multivariate analysis showed that autoimmune diseases, increased prolactin level, chest impact, full-term pregnancy during the past 5 years, use of contraceptive drugs and non-alternate breastfeeding were independent risk factors for IGM (OR=6.793, 4.553, 4.248, 3.657, 3.101, 2.492; 95%CI: 1.759-26.240, 1.519-13.648, 1.007-18.093, 1.652-8.095, 1.286-7.476, 1.146-5.419; P=0.005, 0.007, 0.047, 0.001, 0.012, 0.021).


For the patients with the above-mentioned IGM-related risk factors, the doctors should be aware of the high risk of IGM and provide certain prevention and intervention if necessary.

表1 特发性肉芽肿性乳腺炎危险因素变量赋值表
表2 IGM组与对照组患者的一般资料比较[例(%)]
变量 IGM组(n=58) 对照组(n=91) 检验值 P
年龄 ? ? ? ?
? ≤19岁 1(1.7) 4(4.4) ? ?
? 20~29岁 9(15.5) 23(25.3) ? ?
? 30~39岁 30(51.7) 20(22.0) -0.587a 0.557
? 40~49岁 13(22.4) 32(35.2) ? ?
? 50~59岁 4(6.9) 9(9.9) ? ?
? ≥60岁 1(1.7) 3(3.3) ? ?
户口 ? ? ? ?
? 非农业 41(70.7) 56(61.5) 1.306 0.253
? 农业 17(29.3) 35(38.5) ? ?
有无固定职业 ? ? ? ?
? 34(58.6) 51(44.0) 0.096 0.757
? 24(41.4) 40(56.0) ? ?
体质指数 ? ? ? ?
? ≥24 kg/m2 22(37.9) 31(34.1) 0.231 0.631
? <24 kg/m2 36(62.1) 60(65.9) ? ?
高脂饮食 ? ? ? ?
? 19(32.8) 33(36.3) 0.192 0.662
? 39(67.2) 58(63.7) ? ?
自身免疫疾病 ? ? ? ?
? 9(15.5) 5(5.5) 4.180 0.041
? 49(84.5) 86(94.5) ? ?
胸部撞击 ? ? ? ?
? 10(17.2) 3(3.3) 8.649 0.003
? 48(82.8) 88(96.7) ? ?
吸烟 ? ? ? ?
? 6(10.3) 8(8.8) 0.100 0.751
? 52(89.7) 83(91.2) ? ?
月经规律 ? ? ? ?
? 47(81.0) 76(83.5) 0.151 0.697
? 11(19.0) 15(16.5) ? ?
绝经 ? ? ? ?
? 5(8.6) 12(13.4) 0.731 0.393
? 53(91.4) 79(86.6) ? ?
避孕药服用 ? ? ? ?
? 36(62.1) 40(44.0) 4.650 0.031
? 22(37.9) 51(56.0) ? ?
流产 ? ? ? ?
? 40(69.0) 56(61.5) 0.853 0.385
? 18(31.0) 35(38.5) ? ?
足月妊娠次数 ? ? ? ?
? 0 5(8.6) 30(33.0) ? ?
? 1~2 49(84.5) 54(59.3) -2.782a 0.005
? ≥3 4(6.9) 7(7.7) ? ?
近5年足月妊娠 ? ? ? ?
? 40(69.0) 29(31.9) 19.607 <0.001
? 18(31.0) 62(68.1) ? ?
母乳喂养 ? ? ? ?
? 53(91.4) 61(67.0) 3.990 0.061
? 5(8.6) 30(33.0) ? ?
双乳交替母乳喂养 ? ? ? ?
? 27(50.9) 44(72.1) 5.419 0.022
? 26(49.1) 17(27.9) ? ?
催乳素升高 ? ? ? ?
? 16(27.6) 7(7.7) 10.740 0.001
? 42(72.4) 84(92.3) ? ?
穿戴胸罩 ? ? ? ?
? 52(89.7) 80(87.9) 0.106 0.798
? 6(10.3) 11(12.1) ? ?
表3 特发性肉芽肿性乳腺炎危险因素的二元Logistic回归分析结果(n=58)
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