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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2016, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (05) : 269 -275. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0807.2016.05.004


SASH1 基因通过p53 信号通路调节乳腺癌细胞增殖
邝中淑1, 曾兴1, 王萍2, 罗黄超1, 马江淑1, 陈梅1, 李艳1, 周定安3, 郑晓东4,()   
  1. 1.402160 重庆医科大学第五临床学院临床医学系
    2.610083 成都军区总医院急诊科
    3.402160 重庆医科大学附属永川医院检验科
    4.400030 重庆市肿瘤医院/肿瘤研究所乳腺科
  • 收稿日期:2016-04-05 出版日期:2016-10-01
  • 通信作者: 郑晓东
  • 基金资助:

SASH1 regulates proliferation of breast cancer cells via p53 signaling pathway

Zhongshu Kuang1, Xing Zeng1, Ping Wang2, Huangchao Luo1, Jiangshu1 Ma1, Mei Chen1, Yan Li1, Ding'an Zhou3, Xiaodong Zheng4,()   

  1. 1.Department of Clinical Medicine, Fifth College of Clinical Medicine,Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing 402160, China
    2.Department of Emergency, General Hospital of Chengdu Military Region, Chengdu 610083,China
    3.Department of Laboratory Medicine,Yongchuan Hospital,Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing 402160, China
    4.Department of Breast Diseases, Chongqing Cancer Hospital/Institute,Chongqing 400030, China
  • Received:2016-04-05 Published:2016-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Xiaodong Zheng

邝中淑, 曾兴, 王萍, 罗黄超, 马江淑, 陈梅, 李艳, 周定安, 郑晓东. SASH1 基因通过p53 信号通路调节乳腺癌细胞增殖[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2016, 10(05): 269-275.

Zhongshu Kuang, Xing Zeng, Ping Wang, Huangchao Luo, Jiangshu1 Ma, Mei Chen, Yan Li, Ding'an Zhou, Xiaodong Zheng. SASH1 regulates proliferation of breast cancer cells via p53 signaling pathway[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2016, 10(05): 269-275.


探讨SASH1 基因对乳腺癌细胞增殖的作用及其与p53 基因的关系。


购买134 例乳腺癌组织芯片(上海芯超科技有限公司,芯片型号:HBre-Duc150Sur-01 ),用SASH1 和p53 抗体进行组织芯片免疫组织化学染色分析。 构建重组质粒SASH1-PEGFP-C3(GFP-SASH1)、HA-p53-pcDNA3.0(HA-Tp53),定点突变SASH1 基因上581、594、605、610 位点(D581V-SASH1、W594L-SASH1、F605S-SASH1、V610E-SASH1)和p53 基因上175、248、273 位点(R175H-p53、R248W-p53、R273H-p53)。实验分组如下:(1)将0、0.5、1.0、2.0、4.0 μg 的HA-Tp53 单独转染或分别与2.0 μg 的GFP-SASH1 共同转染至HEK-293T 细胞,用Western blot 检测p53 对GFP-SASH1 和endo-SASH1 表达的影响。 (2)将0、0.5、1.0、2.0、4.0 μg 的GFP-SASH1 单独转染或分别与2.0 μg 的HA-Tp53 共同转染至HEK-293T 细胞,用定量RT-PCR 检测p53 mRNA 及蛋白表达。 (3)2.0 μg 的HA-pcDNA3.0(空载体),野生型p53(wt-p53),突变型R175H-p53、R248W-p53、R273H-p53 单独转染或分别与2.0 μg 的GFP-SASH1 共同转染至HEK-293T 细胞,用Western blot 检测GFP-SASH1 和endo-SASH1 表达。 (4)将2.0 μg 的空载体,野生型-SASH1,突变型D581V-SASH1、W594L-SASH1、F605S-SASH1、V610E-SASH1 单独转染或与2.0 μg的HA-Tp53 共同转染HEK-293T 细胞, 另设未经处理细胞为空白对照,Western blot 检测HA-Tp53 和endo-Tp53 表达。 用Spearman 相关系数法对SASH1 与p53 免疫组织化学结果进行分析,用单因素方差分析方法比较SASH1 与p53 的表达量,两两比较采用LSD-t 法。


在134 例人乳腺癌组织芯片中,SASH1 和p53 的表达呈正相关(r=0.319, P<0.001)。 其中,SASH1(-)4 例、(+) 42 例、(++)67 例、(+++)20 例、(++++)1 例, p53 (-)82 例、(+)36 例、(++)10 例、(+++)6 例。 随着HA-Tp53 转染剂量的增大,外源性SASH1(GFP-SASH1)和内源性SASH1(endo-SASH1)的表达水平都增高(F=205.369、178.238,P 均<0.001)。 随着GFP-SASH1 转染剂量的逐渐增大,HA-Tp53 mRNA 及蛋白表达量逐渐增加(F=67.481、506.538,P 均<0.001)。 突变型SASH1 使内源性和外源性p53 表达上调(F=165.767、1136.930, P 均<0.001);突变型p53 抑制内源性和外源性SASH1 表达(F=57.142、354.517, P 均<0.001)。


SASH1 与p53 正相关, 对乳腺癌细胞增殖起调节作用。


To investigate the role of SASH1 gene in the proliferation of breast cancer cells and its relationship with p53 gene.


Totally 134 cases of breast cancer tissue microarrays were purchased from Shanghai Xinchao Technology Co., No. HBre-Duc150Sur-01), conjugated with SASH1 or p53 antibody for immunohistochemistry. HA-p53-pcDNA3.0 (HA-Tp53) and SASH1-PEGFP-C3 (GFP-SASH1)recombined plasmid were constructed by gene cloning. D581V, W594L, F605S and V610E mutants of SASH1 gene and R175H, R248W, R273H mutants of p53 gene were generated by the associated mutagenesis primers and mutagenesis kit. Experimental grouping was as follows:(1) the different dosages (0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0 μg)of HA-Tp53 were transfected alone or co-transfected with 2.0 μg of GFP-SASH1 into HEK-293T cells. Western blot was used to detect the expressions of GFP-SASH1 and endo-SASH1. (2) The different dosages (0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0 μg) of GFP-SASH1 were transfected alone or co-transfected with 2.0 μg HA-Tp53 into HEK-293T cells. The quantitative RT-PCR was used to detect the p53 mRNA and protein expressions. (3) The 2.0 μg of HA-pcDNA3.0 (empty vector), wild-type p53 (wt-p53), R175H-p53, R248W-p53 or R273H-p53 was transfected into HEK-293T cells alone, or together with 2.0 μg of GFP-SASH1. Western blot was used to detect GFP-SASH1 and endo-SASH1 expressions. (4) The 2.0 μg of empty vector, wt-SASH1, D581VSASH1, W594L-SASH1, F605S-SASH1 or V610E-SASH1 was transfected into HEK-293T cells alone, or together with 2.0 μg of HA-Tp53. Western blot was used to detect HA-Tp53 and endo-Tp53 expressions.Spearman correlation analysis was used to process immunohistochemical results of SASH1 and p53. Singlefactor variance analysis was used to compare the expressions of p53 and SASH1. Pairwise comparison was performed using LSD-t method.


In 134 cases of the human breast carcinoma tissue array, SASH1 expression was positively correlated with p53 expression (r=0.319, P<0.001).There were 4 cases of SASH1(-),42 (+),67(++),2 (+++),2 (++++) , and 82 cases of p53 (-),36 (+) ,10 (++),6 (+++).With the increasing dose of transfected HA-Tp53, the expression levels of exogenous SASH1 (GFP-SASH1)and endogenous SASH1 (endo-SASH1) were increased (F =205.369, 178.238, both P<0.001). With the increasing dose of transfected GFP-SASH1, HA-Tp53 mRNA and protein expressions were gradually increased(F = 67.481, 506.538, both P<0.001). Mutant SASH1 up-regulated endogenous and exogenous p53 expressions (F=165.767,1136.930, P<0.001); mutant p53 inhibited the expressions of endogenous and exogenous SASH1 (F=57.142,354.517, P<0.001)


SASH1 is positively correlated with p53,with a regulatory role in proliferation of breast cancer cells.

表1 p53 和SASH1 定点突变用到的引物
图1 组织芯片上134 例乳腺癌组织中SASH1 与p53 的表达(SP ×100) 注:a 图显示SASH1(-);b 图显示SASH1(+); c 图显示SASH1(++); d 图显示SASH1(+++); e 图显示SASH1(++++);f 图显示p53(-);g 图显示p53(+);h 图显示p53(++);i 图显示p53(+++)
表2 134 例乳腺癌标本中SASH1 与p53 表达的关系(例)
图2 Western blot 检测在HEK-293T 细胞中不同HA-Tp53 剂量对内源性和外源性SASH1 表达的影响 注:a 图为HA-Tp53 对GFP-SASH1 表达的影响;b 图为HA-Tp53 对endo-SASH1 表达的影响。 1 为空白对照组;2 为0.5 μg 剂量组;3 为1.0 μg 剂量组;4 为2.0 μg 剂量组;5 为4.0 μg 剂量组
表3 在HEK-293T 细胞中不同剂量的p53 对外源性和内源性SASH1 表达的影响
图3 Western blot 检测HEK-293T 细胞中不同剂量GFP-SASH1 对HA-Tp53 表达的影响 注:1 为空白对照组;2 为0.5 μg 剂量组; 3 为1.0 μg 剂量组;4 为2.0 μg 剂量组;5 为4.0 μg 剂量组
表4 在HEK-293T 细胞中不同剂量的SASH1 对HA-Tp53 mRNA 及蛋白表达的影响
图4 Western blot 检测HEK-293T 细胞中突变型p53 对SASH1 表达的影响 注:a 图为HA-Tp53 对GFP-SASH1 表达的影响;b 图为HA-Tp53 对endo-SASH1 表达的影响。 1 为空载体;2 为wt-p53;3为R175H-p53;4 为R248W-p53;5 为R273H-p53
表5 在HEK-293T 细胞中p53 对内源性和外源性SASH1 表达的影响
图5 Western blot 检测HEK-293T 细胞中SASH1 对HA-Tp53 及endo-Tp53 表达的影响 注:a 图为SASH1 对HA-Tp53 表达的影响;b 图为SASH1 对endo-Tp53 表达的影响。 0 为空白对照;1 为空载体;2 为wt-SASH1;3 为D581V-SASH1;4 为W594L-SASH1;5 为F605S-SASH1;6 为V610E-SASH1
表6 在HEK-293T 细胞中SASH1 对HA-Tp53 和endo-Tp53 表达的影响
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