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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2011, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (03) : 306 -312. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0807.2011.03.006


杨剑敏1, 王颀1,(), 张安秦1, 许娟1, 郜红艺2, 李文萍1, 于海静1   
  1. 1.510010 广州,广东省妇幼保健院暨广州医学院附属省妇儿医院乳腺病中心
    2.510010 广州,广东省妇幼保健院暨广州医学院附属省妇儿医院病理科
  • 收稿日期:2010-05-28 出版日期:2011-06-01
  • 通信作者: 王颀

Identification and treatment of periductal mastitis and granulomatous mastitis

Jian-min YANG1, Qi WANG,1(), An-qin ZHANG1, Juan XU1, Hong-yi GAO1, Wen-ping LI1, Hai-jing YU1   

  1. 1.Breast Disease Center, Guangdong Women and Children Hospital, Guangzhou 510010, China
  • Received:2010-05-28 Published:2011-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Qi WANG

杨剑敏, 王颀, 张安秦, 许娟, 郜红艺, 李文萍, 于海静. 导管周围乳腺炎与肉芽肿性乳腺炎的临床鉴别与处理[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2011, 05(03): 306-312.

Jian-min YANG, Qi WANG, An-qin ZHANG, Juan XU, Hong-yi GAO, Wen-ping LI, Hai-jing YU. Identification and treatment of periductal mastitis and granulomatous mastitis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2011, 05(03): 306-312.




2006 年5 月至2010 年1 月本院收治了36 例经病理证实的导管周围乳腺炎或肉芽肿性乳腺炎患者, 对该36 例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。


病理结果显示导管周围乳腺炎25 例,肉芽肿性乳腺炎11 例。 两种疾病均以反复脓肿、乳房肿块及乳腺窦道或瘘管为表现。 25 例导管周围乳腺炎患者病变均位于乳晕2 cm 环内,其中14 例合并乳头内陷;治疗包括,手术治愈4 例(肿块型局限者)占16%,药物加手术治愈10 例(肿块并乳头内陷者8 例及合并窦道及乳头内陷者2 例),占40%;仅用药物治疗痊愈6 例(脓肿型4 例和肿块并窦道2 例),占24%,随访2~27 个月未见复发,另有5 例(肿块型1 例和肿块并乳头内陷者4 例)仍接受三联抗菌药物治疗。 11 例肉芽肿性乳腺炎患者中9 例病变位于乳晕2 cm 环外,未见合并乳头内陷;治疗包括,7 例三联抗菌药物治疗后肿块缩小至1~2 cm 后手术切除病变,其中1 例合并多发窦道者术后3 个月复发,予三联抗菌药物治疗2 个月后范围缩小,再次行手术治疗,术后12 个月未见异常,余6 例随访6~24 个月,未见复发;2 例仍在行三联抗菌药物治疗,待病变缩小手术; 2 例皮质激素治疗停药后复发,再用激素治疗2 周病变缩小,手术切除病变,未见复发。 两组患者无一例行全乳房切除。


导管周围乳腺炎和肉芽肿性乳腺炎临床表现相近,需临床与病理检查结合确诊,手术是该病的主要治疗手段,病变复杂广泛者可先行三联抗菌药物治疗,待病变缩小至1~2 cm、病情稳定后,手术治疗效果更好。


To explore and summarize the clinical features and treatment of periductal mastitis and granulomatous mastitis.


From May 2005 to January 2010 a total of 36 patients with periductal mastitis or granulomatous mastitis were treated in our hospital. The clinical data of the 36 patients were retrospectively analyzed.


The pathological examination result showed periductal mastitis in 25 patients and granulomatous mastitis in 11. The two diseases manifested mainly as repeated abscess, breast lump and sinus or fistula cannulas. In all the 25 patients with periductal mastitis the lesions were located in 2 cm area within the areola, and 14 of them were combined with mammary papilla invagination. Four patients (16%) were treated with operation and cured, ten patients(40%) were treated with anti-nontuberculosis mycobacteria drugs plus operation and cured,six patients (24%) were treated with the drugs only and cured. The follow-up of 2-27 months demonstrated no recurrence. The rest 5 patients were still receiving antinontuberculosis mycobacteria therapy, when their conditions would permit operation would be performed. In the 11 patients with granulomatous mastitis nine had their lesions located in the 2 cm area outside the areola, without mammary papilla invagination. Seven patients received anti-nontuberculosis mycobacteria drugs therapy first till the mass became smaller about 1-2 cm in size and their disease condition was stable the masses were resected. Six of them were cured and no recurrence happened by 6-24 months of follow-up, and one patient had recurrence three months after operation, received the drug therapy again for two months,reoperated on and cured, and 12-month follow-up showed no recurrence. Tow patients had recurrence after cortical hormone treatment, were retreated with the same drugs for two weeks, then the lesions were resected, and no recurrence was found. Two patients were still having anti-nontuberculosis mycobacteria therapy and when their masses would decrease in size operation would be done. In the two groups no patients had excision of the whole breast.


The clinical features of periductal mastitis and granulomatous mastitis are similar. Pathological examination is the key method for diagnosis. Operation is the main treatment for the two diseases. If a patient has complex lesion, anti-nontuberculosis mycobacteria therapy is given first till the lesion becomes smaller and disease condition is stable operation is performed. In this way better result can be obtained.

表1 病理结果与临床表现及病灶部位
图1 导管周围乳腺炎(HE 染色 ×400) 主要表现为乳管扩张。
图2 肉芽肿性乳腺炎(HE 染色 ×100) 主要表现为小叶内大量炎细胞浸润。
图3 肿块并窦道导管周围乳腺炎的治疗结果 a:肿块并窦道型导管周围乳腺炎治疗前,b:经三联抗菌药物治疗后基本痊愈,表面皮肤见色素沉着;c:肿块型导管周围乳腺炎外院手术后复发,肿块并窦道形成,d:经三联抗菌药物治疗5 个月后,肿块和窦道基本消失。
图4 肿块并窦道及乳头内陷导管周围乳腺炎治疗前后 a:合并乳头内陷肿块型导管周围乳腺炎外院手术后复发治疗前;b:三联抗菌药物治疗3 个月后肿块缩小,窦道愈合;c:行肿块切除及乳头内陷矫形术后。
图5 肉芽肿性乳腺炎治疗前后 a:激素治疗前;b:激素治疗后,肿块缩小;c:肿块进一步缩小并稳定后,手术治疗后
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