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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2008, Vol. 02 ›› Issue (02) : 8 -12. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0807.2008.02.003


贺青卿1, 姜军1,(), 杨新华1, 范林军1, 张毅1, 郭美琴1   
  1. 1.400038 重庆,第三军医大学西南医院乳腺疾病中心
  • 收稿日期:2008-02-26 出版日期:2008-04-01
  • 通信作者: 姜军
  • 基金资助:

Clinical study on lymphatic drainage patterns of breast cancer

Qing-qing HE1, Jun JIANG,1(), Xin-hua YANG1, Lin-jun FAN1, Yi ZHANG1, Mei-qin GUO1   

  1. 1.Breast Disease Center, Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University,Chongqing 400038,China
  • Received:2008-02-26 Published:2008-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Jun JIANG

贺青卿, 姜军, 杨新华, 范林军, 张毅, 郭美琴. 乳腺癌淋巴引流途径的临床研究[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2008, 02(02): 8-12.

Qing-qing HE, Jun JIANG, Xin-hua YANG, Lin-jun FAN, Yi ZHANG, Mei-qin GUO. Clinical study on lymphatic drainage patterns of breast cancer[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2008, 02(02): 8-12.




以2004年11月至2006年5月期间住院的206 例乳腺癌患者为研究对象,其中191 例术前行淋巴闪烁显像。 用前哨淋巴结活检和腋窝溶脂后腔镜观察联合验证淋巴闪烁显像所见的乳腺淋巴引流途径和前哨淋巴结。


肿瘤周围腺体实质和肿瘤被覆皮下联合注射示踪剂内乳前哨淋巴结显示率为46.8%。 淋巴显像、前哨淋巴结活检和腋窝溶脂后腔镜3 种方法联合观察发现乳腺淋巴经不同输入淋巴管直接引流到腋窝或内乳区;腋窝前哨淋巴结位于第2 肋骨与胸大肌外缘交界处周围,少数患者有浅、深两组腋窝前哨淋巴结。 内乳淋巴结转移率为26.2%,腋窝淋巴结转移≥4 枚时内乳转移率为50.7%。 第2 肋间隙是内乳淋巴结最常见的转移部位。内乳淋巴结转移与肿瘤部位或大小无显著相关性。


乳腺实质及皮肤的淋巴沿各自的集合淋巴管不经乳晕淋巴丛而直接汇入腋窝或内乳淋巴结;多数患者不同的淋巴管在腋窝汇入同一前哨淋巴结,少数汇入深浅不同组前哨淋巴结。 有选择地行内乳淋巴结活检有助于乳腺癌的精确分期、治疗和预后判断。


To explore the features of lymphatic drainage patterns of breast cancer under physiologic conditions.


From Nov 2004 to May 2005, there were 206 consecutive patients enrolled in this study, 191 of them received preoperative lymphoscintigraphy. Sentinel lymph node biopsy and endoscopic approach after liposuction were used to prove the lymphatic drainage pathways and sentinel lymph nodes.


Internal mammary sentinel nodes were revealed in 74 patients (46. 84%) who had received peritumoral and subdermal injections of radiolabeled tracer by lymphoscintigraphic scanning. The surveys by lymphoscintigraphy,sentinel node biopsy and endoscopic approach after liposuction proved that the lymph from breast parenchymal tissue or the skin and subdermal tissue flowed directly to the axillary basin or internal mammary nodal basin, the axillary sentinel nodes were situated in the same intersection of the second costal bone and the margin of major pectoral muscle, and the axillary sentinel nodes in some patients were composed of the superficial group and the profound group. The overall frequency of internal mammary node metastases in breast cancer was 26.6%. The frequency in patients with ≥4 positive axillary nodes was 50. 7%. The metastatic internal mammary nodes appeared in the second intercostal space with a high frequency. There was no statistic relation between internal mammary nodes metastases and tumor location or tumor size.


Most lymph from the parenchymal tissue and the skin of the breast flows directly to the axillary and internal mammary nodal basins, and does not pass through the subareolar plexus. The deep and superficial collecting lymphatic vessels mostly run to the same axillary sentinel node in most patients, and may drain to the superficial and profound sentinel nodes. Internal mammary node biopsy is necessary for selected cases to provide information for accurate stage, treatment and prognosis of breast cancer.

表1 99mTc-Dx 不同注射部位显示的乳腺淋巴引流途径和核素聚集部位 [例数(%)]
图1 淋巴管的引流情况 a: 乳腺引向低位腋窝同一前哨淋巴结的双淋巴管;b: 患侧乳腺引流到腋窝、锁骨下、内乳的淋巴管。
图2 淋巴管的汇合情况 汇合后输入同一前哨淋巴结的两条输入淋巴管,再注入下一站淋巴结的输出淋巴管。
图3 腋窝前哨淋巴结的位置-A 腋窝溶脂后腔镜观察见2 条输入淋巴管注入同一蓝染前哨淋巴结,前哨淋巴结位于低位腋窝淋巴结群最下方,多条输出淋巴管再注入其上方的淋巴结。
图4 腋窝前哨淋巴结的位置-B 腋窝溶脂后腔镜观察位于第2 肋骨与胸大肌外缘交界处的蓝染前哨淋巴结。
表2 乳腺癌肿瘤直径与腋窝、内乳淋巴结转移的关系
图5 腺体实质及皮下淋巴引流模式图-A 腺体实质及皮下的淋巴直接引流到低位腋窝同一前哨淋巴结。
图6 腺体实质及皮下淋巴引流模式图-B 腺体实质及皮下的淋巴分别引流到深浅两组腋窝前哨淋巴结。
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