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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (06) : 335 -339. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0807.2018.06.004

所属专题: 文献


邓琳1, 谢飞来2, 柯法永1, 蒋彦3, 黄盛1, 陈淑明1, 胡永利1, 张再重1, 王娟1, 王烈1, 王冰1,()   
  1. 1. 350025 福州,解放军福州总医院普通外科
    2. 350025 福州,解放军福州总医院病理科
    3. 350025 福州,解放军福州总医院超声科
  • 收稿日期:2018-04-25 出版日期:2018-12-01
  • 通信作者: 王冰

Ultrasound-guided core-needle biopsy and frozen section analysis for breast tumor diagnosis

Lin Deng1, Feilai Xie2, Fayong Ke1, Yanyan Jiang3, Sheng Huang1, Shuming Chen1, Yongli Hu1, Zaizhong Zhang1, Juan Wang1, Lie Wang1, Bing Wang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of General Surgery, Fuzhou General Hospital of PLA, Fuzhou 350025, China
    2. Department of Pathology, Fuzhou General Hospital of PLA, Fuzhou 350025, China
    3. Department of Ultrasound, Fuzhou General Hospital of PLA, Fuzhou 350025, China
  • Received:2018-04-25 Published:2018-12-01
  • Corresponding author: Bing Wang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Wang Bing, Email:

邓琳, 谢飞来, 柯法永, 蒋彦, 黄盛, 陈淑明, 胡永利, 张再重, 王娟, 王烈, 王冰. 超声引导下空芯针穿刺快速冰冻病理检查在乳腺肿块诊断中的应用价值[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2018, 12(06): 335-339.

Lin Deng, Feilai Xie, Fayong Ke, Yanyan Jiang, Sheng Huang, Shuming Chen, Yongli Hu, Zaizhong Zhang, Juan Wang, Lie Wang, Bing Wang. Ultrasound-guided core-needle biopsy and frozen section analysis for breast tumor diagnosis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2018, 12(06): 335-339.










To explore the application of ultrasound-guided core-needle biopsy(CNB) and frozen section analysis (FSA) in the diagnosis of breast tumor.


A total of 51 patients with breast tumor who needed biopsy in the Department of General Surgery, Fuzhou General Hospital of PLA from September 2017 to February 2018 were included in this prospective study. The postoperative histopathologic diagnosis was used as the gold standard and Kappa consistency test was used to evaluate the accuracy of CNB plus FSA.


Thirty-five patients were diagnosed with breast cancer cells by CNB plus FSA, and all of them were confirmed malignant by postoperative pathology. Among 16 patients with no cancer cells in CNB plus FSA, 4 patients were malignant and 12 patients were benign in postoperative pathology. The false negative rate was 10.3%(4/39), accuracy 92.2%(47/51), sensitivity 89.7%(35/39), specificity 12/12, false positive rate 0 (0/12), positive predictive value 100%(35/35), negative predictive value 12/16, negative likelihood ratio 0.103 and Youden index 0.897. There was no significant difference between the result of CNB plus FSA and postoperative histopathologic result (χ2=2.250, P=0.125). The Kappa test showed a good consistency between CNB plus FSA and postoperative histopathology (Kappa=0.805, P<0.001). The factors including age, location of lesion, mammography and lesion size had no effect on the accuracy of CNB plus FSA (all P >0.050; χ2=3.074, P=0.266). The accuracy of CNB plus FSA in patients with elastography score ≥ 4 was significantly higher than that in patients with elastography score <4 [100%(37/37)vs 10/14, P=0.004]. BI-RADS grade of color ultrasound had effect on the accuracy of CNB plus FSA (χ2=15.432, P<0.001). The accuracy of CNB plus FSA in patients with BI-RADS ≥ 4 was significantly higher than that in patients with no BI-RADS grade [100% (36/36) vs 1/4, P<0.017]. The accuracy of CNB plus FSA in patients with elastography score ≥ 4 was 10.57-fold as high as that in patients with elastography score<4. The accuracy of CNB plus FSA in patients with definite BI-RADS grade was 35.25-fold as high as that in patients with no BI-RADS grade.


CNB plus FSA can be used in the diagnosis of breast tumor, with the advantages of minimal invasive operation and fast detection, however, there are some false negative cases and low negative predictive value. If the result is negative, the tumor should be confirmed by biopsy. The elastography score and BI-RADS grade of color ultrasound can influence the accuracy of CNB plus FSA.

图1 对乳腺肿块标本行空芯针穿刺活组织检查 a、b图分别所示14G、16G穿刺针及穿刺取得的病理组织条
图2 在实时超声引导下对乳腺肿块行空芯针穿刺活组织检查 a图为穿刺枪击发前的超声图;b 图为穿刺枪击发后的超声图
表1 多因素Logistic回归分析变量赋值表
表2 51例乳腺肿块患者CNB快速冰冻病理诊断与术后病理诊断的一致性(例)
表3 CNB快速冰冻病理诊断与术后病理诊断一致性的单因素分析[例(%)]
表4 影响乳腺肿块CNB快速冰冻病理诊断准确率的多因素Logistic回归分析
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